Sunday, September 24, 2017

Who are the 'Watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem' that the Prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah) speaks of?

For his Bar Mitzvah at the age of 13 (reaching the age of religious responsibility), every Jewish boy chants a portion of the Prophetic readings.  This is called the Haftara, and it is a section of the prophets chosen specifically because it matches up (thematically) with the Parsha, the weekly Torah portion.  For my Bar Mitzvah, I chanted the Haftara from Parshat Nitzavim which covers part of Yeshayahu (Isaiah) Chapter 61, all of 62 and part of 63.  There are so many astounding verses in these chapters, and without realizing it, they have set the tone for how I have tried to live my life.
One of the most intriguing ones though is when the Prophet relates the prophecy given to him by HaShem (God) which states, "I have set watchmen on your walls, O Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), who shall never hold their peace day or night..."  (Yeshayahu 62:6).  I used to ponder this verse, wondering who could these, "watchmen"  possibly be.  And it has only been over the last few decades that this has actually become clear.

It has only been within the last thirty years that people of all faiths, from around the world have been woken up to the deep connection that they have to both the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.  Largely (although not exclusively) coming from a background in Christianity, people, who in many cases have never met a Jewish person in their lives, begin to feel an inextricable bond with Jewish people around the world, but particularly in Israel.  

I have always been astounded at the phenomenon of how people, who are convinced they have no link to Israel or to it's people, wind up coming here - often not knowing how they 'chose' or 'decided' to come to Israel in the first place.  It's because it wasn't them that made that choice or decision.  They received a Divine invitation to come to His Land, to begin experiencing what He had in mind for them.  As a Licensed Israeli Tour Guide I meet people all the time who tell me they don't have any Jewish relatives and had never even met an Israeli until they arrived at Ben Gurion Airport!  And yet, they describe the intense emotions upon seeing Israel as the plane is preparing to land, their uncontrollable weeping and sense, after stepping off the plane of 'being at home.' It's something that does not happen any where else in the world; only here, in Israel.

The links that these lovers of Israel develop are often channeled into real and ongoing support for Israel on all levels - , political activisim, buying Israeli products and bringing others here to have their own, life-changing Israel experience.  THEY are the 'watchmen' that Yeshayhu spoke about!!  They are the ones standing alongside Israel and the Jewish people.  Whether or not they feel that they are brothers & sisters, or 'spiritual kin' - they have been called to BE those watchmen on the walls.  

We have spent too many years focusing upon those things that could potentially divide us.  Those  walls of mistrust, built up over two millennia of horrific persecutions are being broken down by pure, unconditional love and respect.  Instead of talking about each other, or at each other, we are actually talking to, each other...

This is the era when we have begun to see prophecy actually being fulfilled before our very eyes.  And those who are flocking to Israel and to stand with us aren't coming just to see cool sites.  They are coming because they have been called to be the watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem; nothing less. May we embrace these watchmen and work together on behalf of our beloved Eretz Yisrael - the Land of Israel.

With love & hugs from the Chosen Land,


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A Return and New Beginnings...

                   A Return and New Beginnings...

Israel is the reason I exist - it is the very essence of my being.  It had been my intention to start blogging about Israel, regularly, before - but, for a variety of reasons, it never quite happened.  How much of life is like that?  We KNOW what we should be doing and many times we actually even 'begin' doing it.  But then what we call 'life' intrudes and those plans are pushed aside; like so many other times in life, right?  Only to be re-started at some later date.  Maybe at a 'better' time.  Whatever 'better' is supposed to mean...

In Israel, there's actually an expression that people use that speaks about this, it translates as, "All beginnings are difficult."  The thing that has always fascinated me about this is that 'beginning' is in the plural - 'beginnings.'  The reason?  We often find ourselves beginning the same thing, over and over again.  And now, I get to do that very same thing with this blog, A Good Report from the Land. An idea whose time has come - a blog about all the good, meaningful, beautiful and prophetic things happening in Israel.

A blog that will feature the GOOD news from Israel, filled with inspiring pictures, developments in archaeology and those captivating background stories that us Tour Guides love to share with people. It will be my way of helping you connect to the land we all love; the land I always call, the Chosen Land - Israel.  I will share the history, significance and uniqueness of this most extraordinary place on earth.  Yes, they'll be 'fun facts' and even some Israeli recipes for those who want to recreate the very tastes they experienced here in Israel.

What better time to do this, then right now? As Rosh Hashana is rapidly approaching!  Rosh Hashana is more then the New Year, though.  We celebrate the very creation of the earth on that day.  It's a time of deep reflection upon where we've been and where we're going to be going.  The essence of the time period we are entering is Tshuva - often incorrectly translated as "repentance," when it really means, 'return,' or a 'turning' (back).  It is a time when we examine our behaviors, and not just regret, but rectify them.

It's a time when we realign our actions with our heart's desires and destiny. For me, it is always a new beginning, but more then just that.  It is an actual 'return' to where I should have always been.  I came to Israel to be part of the destiny of the people of Israel, not merely just to read about it in a book.  And I became an Israeli Tour Guide to share what I see and experience here with others.  This blog will be an extension of that - connecting you to the Land of Israel.  Count on it being posted at least once per week  - but often more times then that.  Please sign up for it, so it comes directly to your email; you won't want to miss a single post - believe me!

With my deepest wishes of a Shana Tova - a good year, filled with health, happiness, prosperity, contentment and the focus on becoming all that you were destined to be.

With love & hugs from the Chosen Land,
