Throughout Israel, sukkot of all sizes have been popping up since Yom Kippur ended, last Saturday night. Families have been building, decorating and preparing for this joyous festival, and now - it's here!
Here's a pic of my daughter's pausing for a hug in the midst of decorating our very first sukkah in Israel (2009). What's truly amazing is that here in Israel, you'll find sukkot, just about EVERYWHERE!
From right at the back of the Western Wall (Kotel) plaza,
to the most densely populated parts of Jerusalem! (photo credit Ha'aretz)
And to every part of our society, especially our beloved men & women of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and it's EVRY branch of service in the IDF, too!
From those who stand watch operating our anti-missle batteries
(courtesy of the Israel Defense Forces)
our Air Force (courtesy of the Israeli Air Force)
Our Navy, both while they're on land, (courtesy of the Israeli Navy)
and even when they're under water! (courtesy of the Israeli Navy)
Sukkot is a wonderful, joyous time spent with family and friends. And I've even gotten to spend time with my friends visiting enjoying a good meal out. Yes, many of our restaurants put up their own sukkot, can you believe it?!
Trust me - there is NOTHING like Sukkot in Israel!
Wishing everyone a Chag Sameach - a joyous Sukkot with love & hugs from the Chosen Land
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