When it comes time for Parshat Vayigash, who isn't moved by the recounting of Yosef (Joseph) revealing himself to his brothers? For years, people who identify as Ephraim, part of Israel (PART of Israel - NOT to replace their Jewish brothers and sisters, but to rejoin them as part of ALL of Israel) have spoken repeatedly of their desire for that ultimate 'Family Reunion.' But, still - people seem confused as to how to help make that happen. The key, is actually within the Haftorah (Prophetic portion associated with the weekly Torah portion) for Parshat Vayigash. It's from the Prophet Yehezekl (Ezekiel), Chapter 37. Yes, it's the prophecy about the 2 sticks... Everyone seems to "know" this prophecy, but so few truly UNDERSTAND it. As people all over the world have been woken up to understand that they TOO are part of Israel, they're confronted by an obvious issue. Their religious beliefs and practices are SO different than their Jewish brothers and sisters, how can we all become ONE family, ONE people, once again? Sadly, the focus has been to try to change the beliefs and religious practices on the other side of the family - to conform to their own sense of what it is supposed to be.
And that's why we need to go back and study Yehezkel, all over again...The 2 sticks are to get themselves organized and they are to identify themselves. Both those who 'are' (of each stick) and those who are associated with or joined to. They are to begin drawing close to each other - working together and connecting - which seems SO obviously to work together on behalf of Eretz Yisrael - the Land of Israel.
And THEN, we will become ONE - ONE STICK - but it is ONLY HaShem that will do that..."they will be joined in My hand..." Yehezkel 37:19. It's right there, in black and white; so why can't people truly internalize that? So many people seem to be SO intent on trying to turn Judah into Joseph or Joseph into Judah that they totally miss the point. HaShem will change whatever it is about us that we've gotten wrong! "...I will not leave you unpunished, but will correct you in (due) meansure." Yermiyahu 46:28 It is NOT up to us to try to correct our brothers and sisters. But rather, Avinu Malkenu (Our Father Our King) will do it.
When we can accept our brothers and sisters with Mutual Respect (which does NOT mean that you necessarily agree with them - but rather, RESPECT them, regardless..), then it is HaShem that will restore us. But we are to deal with each other with Respect and Reconciliation and HaShem will restore our nation - as He has promised. THAT is the Revolution for Restoration! So, are you with HaShem's plan or are you against it? With love & hugs from Modi'in - home of the Maccabees,