Tuesday, May 12, 2020

                                    The State of Israel

                               Acknowledge the Miracle!!

        We are living in AMAZING times...from the depths of despair of Yom HaZikaron - our Memorial Day in Israel, we launch into the incredible celebrations of our Yom Ha'Atzmaut - Israel's Independence Day.  But, we are not merely enjoying and appreciating the 72 years since our rebirth, but the MIRACLE IN OUR DAY of reborn, renewed, restored ISRAEL.  

      The Prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah) asked: "Can a land pass through travail in a single day? Or is a nation born all at once?"   66:8  But, we all know that although our Declaration of Independence happened on 5 Iyar, 5708 (May 14, 1948) it was a process to recreate our sovereignty in the Land given to us by HaShem (God), Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel). 

     It took the efforts of countless individuals to reclaim our Land which had been left desolate by the legions of those who kept it under foreign occupation.  We honor their sacrifices as we continue to develop our unique State.  Never before in the history of the world has a nation been exiled and returned to that exact same land, called by the same name, speaking the exact same language and observing the exact same faith.  But, we have only been given this MIRACLE, because it was promised to us by Avinu Sh'Bashamayim - Our Father in Heaven.  And what miracles has He showered us with?

A Land which has been able to be restored to its absolute fertile best - where you don't eat fruit 
or vegetables, but rather the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy
And when Yermiyahu (Jerimiah) shared the prophecy that: " Again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Shomron" 31:4
The vineyards of Shomron have produced some of the world's FINEST wines - from NOTHING...

Israel is 3,000 years old but 72 years young!    
    What other nation in history has gone from a barren land with few natural resources and a poor population to a WORLD LEADER in fields as diverse as: Bio-pharmaceuticals, drip irrigation, cyber security, desalination, military technology and systems, etc?  
But just possibly, our greatest accomplishment is our children!  Israel's Jewish birthrate is higher then the birthrate of any other country in the OECD!  

"I will bless those that bless you..." Bereshit (Genesis) 12:3 - be part of the Blessing that Israel is and you too, will be blessed.  The first step is to acknowledge the MIRACLE that is our Israel!  

With love of Israel from Modi'in - home of the Macabees, 