Tuesday, August 24, 2021

           Who WILL Populate the Land of Israel in the Future?

                                                                        (originally written in September 2017)

             In his commentary on the Parsha (weekly Torah portion), Rav Nachman Kahana recently came to some startling conclusions.  His article (for Parshat Ki Taizai) was entitled, "Gathering the Ten Lost Tribes from faraway lands."  The entire article is interesting and well worth your time to read it:   http://nachmankahana.com/ki-taitzai-5777/    As fascinating as the entire article is, it is the second half of it that really impresses me.  That's what we'll focus on in this Blog post.  

              In the section of his commentary, "Who will populate Eretz Yisrael in the future?" Rav Kahana's position on the Lost Tribes of Israel is nothing less than paradigm shattering...especially considering it coming from someone with his perspective within the Jewish community.

              A few things you need to understand about Rav Nachman Kahana.  He is an outstanding Rabbinic scholar who is thought of very highly here within Israel's Dati Leumi (National Religious) community.  A prolific author (in both Hebrew and English), he has written15 volumes of commentary on the Talmud.  A renowned educator, he is the Rav of the Chazon Yehezkel (Young Israel of the Old City) Bet Knesset (synagogue) located in the Muslim (occupied) Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City.

             As highly regarded as Rav Nachman is, there's also a strong personal connection for me here.  Rav Nachman's brother - Rav Meir Kahane (yes, spelled differently) was the most significant Jewish influence in my life.  Rav Meir founded the Jewish Defense League and other activist movements in the USA and led the fight to free Soviet Jewry and other oppressed Jews around the world.  Later, serving as a member of Israel's Knesset, Rav Meir was a dynamic voice for Torah Observance, Judea & Samaria and the reclamation of the Temple Mount.  He had the foresight to see the dangers of Israel's Arab population who were not loyal to the State of Israel.  His published work continues to inspire a new generation.


             Rav Meir was murdered by Al Qaida in NYC in 1990, in the first act of Islamic terrorism in the United States.  It was from him that I learned to focus on the Tanach (Hebrew Bible), particularly the Nevi'im (Prophets).  It was that intense grounding in the Tanach that actually prepared me to understand what I have been involved with since 1994:  the Prophetic fulfillment that has been occurring with Ephraim (Lost Tribes / "Lost Israel") being awakened across the world.  And it was from Rav Meir that I learned how to be an activist; how to be driven by a mission...a higher cause. I learned to be prepared and to be willing  - to do whatever it might take...There is so much more that I could say about hin - but that will have to wait for another Blog post.   

             Returning to Rav Nachman's article, he begins the section on the future population of Eretz Yisrael by wondering where all the millions of Jews will come from to settle the Golan, Galil, Negev, Yehuda (Judea) and Shomron (Samaria).  Now, it's important to point out - within the classic texts of Jewish scholarship, there is never a mention of the term, "Ephraimite."  That is the term many of us have been using over the last few decades to refer to those people around the world who are coming to the realization that they too are part of Israel.  So, when he uses the term, 'Jew' - you can be thinking, "part of Israel."

             He states unequivocally, that they will NOT be coming from the Jewish communities in the US, Europe or South America.  But he says, "The big numbers will come from the hundreds of millions of Jewish descendants of the Ten Tribes and Anusim (those Jews forced to convert to Catholicism in Spain and Portugal in the 14-15th centuries).  He then adds, "...who will awaken one day to their Jewish heritage."  Hasn't that been what's been occurring for the last thirty years, or so?  

             The thing that is HUGE about what he said is that for many in the Jewish ('Orthodox') community, the feeling is generally that the Tribes must have already returned.  You see, Jewish communities around the world sent emissaries looking for our lost brothers and sisters for centuries.  However, once it was determined that there were no longer parts of the world that remained unexplored - where could they be hiding?  So, it was assumed that somehow, when no one noticed, they kind of snuck back in among their Jewish brothers and sisters.  Considering the amount of prophecies that speak of an enormous multitude returning to the Land and people of Israel, I could never take that theory seriously.  How could such a momentous fulfillment of prophecy - the restoration of ALL of Israel have already occurred and no one even noticed?  

               But, Rav Kahana is the first prominent Rabbi to publicly come out and say that those returning from the Lost Tribes would come from those totally "distant" from their heritage: does that sound like someone YOU might know?  Does it not fit in perfectly with so many people who are not Jewish coming (or perhaps - returning) to the Torah? Rav Nachman even quotes the verse from Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 11:17: "This is what HaShem says: I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you back the land of Israel again."   Perhaps he is using words and phrases you might have chosen - but look at WHAT it is that he is saying...He even quotes from the Malbim (famed Biblical commentator of the 19th Century) who, in explaining the verse above from Yechezkel, wrote: "In the future, HaShem will gather the Ten Tribes from faraway lands, those that did not return at the time of the Second Temple, and I will give them the land of Israel."  

             It is actually at the very end of his commentary that Rav Nahman provides another way of looking at this situation of the regathering of 'Lost Israel.'  He wrote: "If your brother Jew is far from you (in the spiritual sense) to the extent that you can no longer recognize any Jewish features in his life.  Bring him into your home (Eretz Yisrael) until his heart is opened and he begins to seek out his Jewish roots.  Then be prepared to return him to those roots."    

            Until now, the conventional wisdom has been that the returning Tribes (their descendants, to be exact) would be Jewish people - and readily recognizable as such. You know, with the same beliefs as the rest of the Jewish people in the world.  But now we have a prominent Rabbinic personality saying, no, they will no longer be recognizable to us - just as the Prophet Hoshea (Hosea) said they wouldn't be (1:9)!  It's another illustration of the story of Yosef (Joseph) playing out, yet again.  The brothers don't recognize him - he doesn't act like they do, he doesn't sound like they do and he doesn't even look like they do - but they're still brothers!  

            The last sentence in his monumental article states: "This is what will be in the near future, when HaShem will awaken the millions of our brothers so distant from their roots, and return them miraculously to us in Eretz Yisrael."   So yes, the stage is being set and part of that is that is that there are so many more that need to be woken up; on both sides of the family.  For those being called out to be Ephraim and for my fellow Jews who have no idea that this has begun to happen.  And just like the story of Yosef - we have brothers and sisters that we don't (at this time) yet recognize....

            If you look at the people around you who have been brought to this understanding, you're only seeing the tip of the spear.  While the full return of ALL of Israel will happen via HaShem's miracles - there is still our part to play.  We really need to start thinking (and living) focused upon Mutual Respect, because ALL of our people are coming home.   



Tuesday, August 17, 2021

It's Elul...and the King is in the field...yeah, so what?

                     Yes, it's Elul and as we like to say: "The King is in the field" - which means that HaShem (God) is more accessible to us then at any other time of the year.  It's described almost as if Avinu Shebashamayim (Our Father in Heaven) has 'left' His 'Palace,' or gotten off His 'thrown' and He is coming to us.  We no longer have to approach Him...HaShem is coming to us!  

                    It is THE time of the year that people actually seem to obsess about 'Tshuva' - translated typically as 'repentance' - but more accurately - 'Returning' or better yet - to 'Turn Toward' (back to where they should have been heading...).  Well, they TALK about it...but I am not so sure that people are always thinking about making lasting changes in their behavior, and that's why I have an issue with it....

      Tefila - truly heartfelt prayer is certainly the heart of ANY potential change (or 'return') to what should be our state of being and action(s).  But, why make such a big deal about HaShem "being in the field" if in the end, WE really don't want to change?   Yes, we for sure want to avoid the consequences for actions (or LACK of action...) - but do we REALLY want to change?  Are we ready to DO the things that HaShem has spelled out for us?   

     Come on...I mean even those really, REALLY hard things?  When we say our tefilot (prayers), are we asking HaShem for the strength and focus to stand up for Israel and (and alongside) the Jewish people?   Are we even willing to consider putting aside our personal desires, comforts and interests in order to focus on what HaShem considers IMPORTANT?   

        When HaShem repeatedly speaks of HIS Chosen Land throughout the Torah, why is it that so many now think they can simply nod and ignore it?   At a time when the threats to the State of Israel AND to Jews all over the world have reached a CRISIS level...where is OUR feeling of a 'state of emergency?'  HaShem is indeed in "the field" - and actually He is ALWAYS accessible to us - but do we truly long for that dialogue with Him?   Do we just want to ask for what are OUR priorities?  Or, are we willing to dedicate ourselves for HIS priorities?  

          Just because visiting Israel isn't an option right now, does that mean that we no longer need to be those "Watchmen on the Walls?!"  This world situation has more opportunities for distractions then ever before - which provides the perfect opportunity for us to refocus on HIS priorities...

         Let's approach HaShem THIS year with a new attitude - let's show that we understand HIS priorities and are actually willing to DO something about it.  For all who view themselves as part of HaShem's people, as part of Israel - dare we do anything less?  

                          With Brachot from Modi'in - home of the Maccabees,



Tuesday, August 10, 2021

                                     YOSEF - Revenge or Reconciliation...?

       Well, it's been a long time (WAY too long) since I've written a blog post, but I have had an overwhelming urge to write some thoughts about Yosef (Joseph).  Strangely enough - the LAST blog post I wrote was also about Yosef because it was Parshat Vayigash (the Torah portion dealing with Yosef and his brothers).  But this one is a bit different in its focus than that other blog post, although both do deal with Yosef.  

        For those who've known me for a while, you're well acquainted with my obsession with the promised regathering of ALL of the Tribes of Israel.  Toward that end, I having been building bridges over the last 27+ years with people who identify as part of Israel.  NOT to replace their Jewish brothers and sisters, but rather to stand alongside us in the Restoration of ALL of Israel.  

        Now, before we go any further - let's be VERY clear about something - we are clearly NOT ready for that to occur at this time.  But, hang in there with me as I share what's been on my mind recently relating to this.  I want us to relate to Yosef and the decisions that he had to make as he faced the prospects of being reunited with his brothers.  I want to review this now, since I think there are vital lessons that can be learned from it by BOTH sides of the family - Jewish AND Ephraimite ("Lost Tribe"). 

         Yosef had LEGITIMATE issues with how his brothers treated him and I totally would have expected him to take revenge against his brothers for what they had done to him - especially selling him to the Ishmaelites.  Frankly, as someone whose heroes include the Punisher character from comics - I really DID expect a massive retaliation/settle-the-score kind of thing.  You know, kind of 'Kill Bill' meets the Tanach (Hebrew Bible)...

         But Yosef, whose heart was filled with the Torah - CHOSE to embrace his brothers unconditionally so they could move forward and be a reunited family once again.  It was that 'falling upon his brothers' instead of punishing them, kind of thing that enabled the Children of Israel to eventually grow into a Nation.  The acknowledgement that FAMILY is still family is a vital lesson that gets overlooked way too often.  Today, we SPEAK 'as if' we were brothers and sisters - but are filled with criticism, disdain and mistrust for each other - even within our respective sides of the family.

           If you indeed want to see the Restoration, to be PART of the Restoration - are you willing to openly embrace your long-lost brothers and sisters?  Even with them believing what they do?  Or, do you want (or NEED) to verbally whip them into shape, first?   To have them renounce who they are so they can be more in line with how YOU lead your life?  We have picked up the lingo of 'Mutual Respect' but do we really mean simply, 'Mutual Toleration' at MOST?' 

          How long will we hold our respective religious lifestyle (with its associated laws, traditions and practices) against each other?  When will we give up the need to ridicule the 'other?'  What about the thinly veiled disdain for each other that so many of us are SO unwilling to give up?  When will we give up trying to proselytize 'them' - realizing of course, that kind of activity is the ULTIMATE in DISRESPECT?  When will we give up trying to PUNISH each other for not being 'us.'  

        Despite all that Yosef suffered - he EMBRACED his brothers; as they were!  Are you still content with doing anything less?  My arms are open toward you - are your arms open toward me?  

                               B'Ahava Rabba (with much love) from Modi'in - home of the Maccabees,
