Tuesday, August 10, 2021

                                     YOSEF - Revenge or Reconciliation...?

       Well, it's been a long time (WAY too long) since I've written a blog post, but I have had an overwhelming urge to write some thoughts about Yosef (Joseph).  Strangely enough - the LAST blog post I wrote was also about Yosef because it was Parshat Vayigash (the Torah portion dealing with Yosef and his brothers).  But this one is a bit different in its focus than that other blog post, although both do deal with Yosef.  

        For those who've known me for a while, you're well acquainted with my obsession with the promised regathering of ALL of the Tribes of Israel.  Toward that end, I having been building bridges over the last 27+ years with people who identify as part of Israel.  NOT to replace their Jewish brothers and sisters, but rather to stand alongside us in the Restoration of ALL of Israel.  

        Now, before we go any further - let's be VERY clear about something - we are clearly NOT ready for that to occur at this time.  But, hang in there with me as I share what's been on my mind recently relating to this.  I want us to relate to Yosef and the decisions that he had to make as he faced the prospects of being reunited with his brothers.  I want to review this now, since I think there are vital lessons that can be learned from it by BOTH sides of the family - Jewish AND Ephraimite ("Lost Tribe"). 

         Yosef had LEGITIMATE issues with how his brothers treated him and I totally would have expected him to take revenge against his brothers for what they had done to him - especially selling him to the Ishmaelites.  Frankly, as someone whose heroes include the Punisher character from comics - I really DID expect a massive retaliation/settle-the-score kind of thing.  You know, kind of 'Kill Bill' meets the Tanach (Hebrew Bible)...

         But Yosef, whose heart was filled with the Torah - CHOSE to embrace his brothers unconditionally so they could move forward and be a reunited family once again.  It was that 'falling upon his brothers' instead of punishing them, kind of thing that enabled the Children of Israel to eventually grow into a Nation.  The acknowledgement that FAMILY is still family is a vital lesson that gets overlooked way too often.  Today, we SPEAK 'as if' we were brothers and sisters - but are filled with criticism, disdain and mistrust for each other - even within our respective sides of the family.

           If you indeed want to see the Restoration, to be PART of the Restoration - are you willing to openly embrace your long-lost brothers and sisters?  Even with them believing what they do?  Or, do you want (or NEED) to verbally whip them into shape, first?   To have them renounce who they are so they can be more in line with how YOU lead your life?  We have picked up the lingo of 'Mutual Respect' but do we really mean simply, 'Mutual Toleration' at MOST?' 

          How long will we hold our respective religious lifestyle (with its associated laws, traditions and practices) against each other?  When will we give up the need to ridicule the 'other?'  What about the thinly veiled disdain for each other that so many of us are SO unwilling to give up?  When will we give up trying to proselytize 'them' - realizing of course, that kind of activity is the ULTIMATE in DISRESPECT?  When will we give up trying to PUNISH each other for not being 'us.'  

        Despite all that Yosef suffered - he EMBRACED his brothers; as they were!  Are you still content with doing anything less?  My arms are open toward you - are your arms open toward me?  

                               B'Ahava Rabba (with much love) from Modi'in - home of the Maccabees,





  1. Leading with love is always the best way. Most religions teach their adherents to either convert or distain those who aren’t the same.
    Joseph knew how God had used his brothers to make him the second most powerful man on the planet. Yes he did CHOOSE to forgive and he did CHOOSE to be loving and gracious but his experience taught him well. Most Ephraimites “in my opinion “ still don’t see how God is and has used our dear brother Judah to make our “Love affair” possible. And IMO most Ephraimites are still entrenched in religious organizations that are counting notches on their belts for those that they covert from one kind of religion to another. The individual must be delivered of the religion demon before they can understand both who they are and appreciate who Judah is, without the need to convert. IE, when you don’t have a religion to convert Judah to, it’s much easier not to try.:-)
    Love you Hanouk! Your post-christian, post- messianic brother, Pappy
