Tuesday, September 22, 2020

No free Falafels in the Middle East...

                                 No free Falafels in the Middle East....

         Just about everyone who visits Israel (or anywhere in the Middle East, actually) has certainly tried falafel.  Those yummy fried balls of mashed chick peas are delicious, addictive and make a relatively nutritious meal - and they are very affordable.  Always reasonably priced, falafel works for those traveling on a budget.  But, there is still a cost - as there is with everything, right?   Well, not everyone seems to believe that...

         With the recent flurry of treaties and accords between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and the USA there are those who seem to feel that Israel got what it wanted AT NO COST!  Israel, which has always desperately craved the recognition of ANY country in the world, has always prized recognition by those of our Arab 'neighbors'  the most.   There are people who are actually celebrating what they feel is a total bonanza for Israel with no price to pay.  But, let's take a look at the issues behind the dazzle and see what the REAL DEAL actually is.   

         We keep wondering (or, we should be)  about the sale of F-35 jets to the UAE, Israel "suspending" the extension of soverignty in Judea & Samaria, and the creation of a PA ('Palestinian Authority') State.  Let's take a look at each of these elements - but firstly, you have to understand the assumption that this is based upon - the Trump 'Peace to Prosperity' plan, referred to as the, "Deal of the Century" - gotta love those catchy nicknames!  In it, a "Palestinain" State is to be created - an independent country which has never existed before in the history of the world.   And where is it supposed to go?  Manitoba, Canada?  Kruger National Park in South Africa?  No...in Judea and Samaria - the Biblical Heartland of Israel.    

          This 'plan' cuts off 70% of Judea and Samaria (what the world foolishly calls, the "West Bank" - those are our Eastern Hills...the EU needs to get a good map...) to create this PA State.  It also calls for several other areas of land, all illustrated on the map above - including a tunnel to connect this new entity with Gaza.  But to WHOM does the Land belong?   

         "And you shall  take possession of the land and settle it, for I have assigned the land to you to possess."        Bamidbar 33:53

          There is NO mention or thought of allowing ANY foreign entity to exist...but we didn't listen so well back then, and people are NOT listening now, either...

       "...I brought you up from Egypt and I took you into the land I had promised on oath to your fathers.  And I said, 'I will never break my covenant with you.  And you, for your part, must make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you must tear down their altars.' But you have not obeyed Me - look what you have done!   Therefore, I have resolved not to drive them out before you; they shall become your oppressors, and their gods will be a snare to you."    Shoeftim 2:1-3

          So, for the 'gods' of "recognition," money/investments and wanting to be liked by the world, we're ready to turn our backs on our inheritance?  Uhh...how well did that work out for us, previously?  And do not think for one minute that the issue of the 'throwing us a bone' of giving Israel 30% of Judea & Samaria to declare soverignty (they call it Annexation) is something that is merely delayed.   I am not even touching upon the issue of WHO gave the USA (and I LOVE America...) the right to divide the Land of Israel?  It is the eternal possession of the People of Israel, given to us by HaShem.  It is not a property in the game of Monopoly that can be bought, swapped or traded.   

         The UAE has made it VERY clear that the issue of 'annexation' (it is SOVERIGNTY - you cannot annex part of your own country) was stopped by them to make the deal with Israel.  They have said it - loud and clear.  We can plug up our ears and say, "but it's not in the accords..." - but it IS out there in the open.   

         The essence of this deal AND plans to bring in the Saudis (am I the only one that remembers 9/11?) is a "Two-State" Solution....the Trump 'Deal of the Century' CALLS for it...acceptance of it and these accords/agreements/deals are leading, GOD FORBID, to the division of the Land of Israel.  And the sale of F-35's to the UAE is just icing on the cake - now that they're going to be at 'peace' with Israel Srangely, we were never at war with the UAE.  Should we also be signing a 'peace agreement' with Canada?  Hmmmm....    

         Once the USA agrees (and they will....) to sell F-35's to the UAE - how on earth will America deny the Saudis when THEY request to buy them.  Or, when America's great allies, Egypt and Jordan want to buy them?  Do you know how precarious King Abdullah's position in Jordan is now?  Do you think there will never be another regime change in Egypt? 

         Go back and look at the Trump plan map - you see those little numbered circles?  Those are groups of Jewish communities that would be Surrounded by a PA State.  Have you seen the signs in front of the PA occupied areas in Judea & Samaria now?

           Before you cheer these 'Abraham Accords' know what is at stake - Judea & Samaria...a "Two-State" solution and the division of the Land of Israel...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Kol Yehuda - A Voice from Judah

                                         A SECOND BOOK OF JUDGES?

   As people have scrambled to follow all the fast breaking developments in recent diplomacy here - I've been asked, as an Israeli if I can share some insights on the matter.  Everyone seems to think that the recent signing of agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and the USA are ushering in an actual, "NEW Middle East."  So, let's look behind the headlines - but first, let's frame it in a Biblical sense.

   As I have been studying Sefer Shofetim (Book of Judges) I began to notice a pattern which I see playing out before our eyes with these recent 'breakthroughs.' You don't see the correlation?  Hang in there with me...

   The entire book of Judges tell of a time when the Children of Israel ignored the directives to both conquer the Land of Israel and expel the inhabitants - Canaanite idol worshipers.   Why the second part?  The fear was that if we allowed these idol worshippers to stay within our midst, we would be seduced by them and their culture into following their Gods. And, that is exactly what happened repeatedly.   The sanctity of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) required us to insure that there was NO idol worship; NO worship of false gods.   But, we ignored it...and were lax in the liberation of our Land - our inheritance from HaShem (God).   

    For this, we found ourselves (again, repeatedly) being oppressed by a variety of rulers - only to then cry out to HaShem for relief, to save us.  HaShem would send a 'Judge' to deliver the people from their oppressors - and it would work; but only for a time.   Time would pass, and in another part of the Land, it would all play out again and again.   Notice that I said, "in another part of the Land?"  Well, one of the most overlooked elements in the narratives in the Book of Judges is that it is about different Tribes of Israel, suffering localized oppression against them.   There was NO unity among the Tribes of Israel...when Judah had to battle against their enemies - no one from Menashe, Ephraim, Dan or any of the other Tribes came to their aid.

   So, what's THE pattern?  

1. Ignoring the sanctity of the Land of Israel by chasing after false gods.

2. Total lack of unity among the people of Israel - 12 separate Tribes were more like 12 mini-states. 

3. PUNISHMENT from HaShem...

4. HaShem forgives us, sends someone to lead us

     And now, we come to 'current events' - IMPLICIT in the agreements with the USA ("Deal of the Century") and the agreements with both the UAE and Bahrain is the impending division of the Land of Israel.  Since June, 1967, when Israel liberated Yehuda (Judea) and Shomron (Samaria) the various governments of Israel have not declared soverignty over these areas - the Biblical heartland/backbone of Biblical Israel.  The Oslo Accords divided those areas between Israel and the 'PA' (so-called, 'Palestinian Authority').  But, their final status was still to be determined.  

     The government of Israel has chosen to ignore declaring soverignty over even PART of Yehuda/Shomron even though the Trump plan (which Netanyahu eagerly embraced) called for it to occur.  Now, it was problematic - because for some reason, the US believed it could set Israel's borders and create a "Palestinian State" - for the first time in the history of the world.  But, at least it brought the issue of soverignty up.  

   The agreements which were signed - (which have still not been made public) imply, if not actually mandate the 'Two-State' Solution.  Creating a PA country in OUR heartland.  So why are we turning our back on an essential part of OUR Land?  Money and recognition...

    We are allowing the modern equivalent of the enemies in our midst not so we can chase after their God.  But so we can follow the God of the modern world - money...  The UAE and Bahrain will be pumping BIG bucks into some of Israel's high tech, cyber security, defense and research industries.  And once we begin milking these golden calves...we will not be able to detach ourselves from them.  And when we are told to create a PA state...we will...And the government of Israel CRAVES international recognition.  It is a real weak spot in the modern Jewish psyche. 

     Against the best judgement of our Defense Ministry - it appears that Netanyahu has given his blessing for the US to sell the F-35 stealth fighters to the UAE...am I crazy to be able to imagine ALL the ways THAT is going to go wrong?  

     Netanyahu can 'promise' that soverignty (no clue why people keep calling it, 'annexation' - how can you annex part of your own country?) is only delayed, but why on earth would we/could we believe him?  Once again, we are back to the 'Two-State' Solution and the Saudi Arabia plan of a PA state in ALL of Yehuda/Shomron.  

      There is NO unity among the people of Israel today...not IN the Land and certainly not outside of it...we have turned our backs on the importance and holiness of OUR Land.  And we are about to pay a frightful price for it...

     May HaShem send a 'Judge' to deliver us....a leader....before it is too late....

                         Hanoch....Elul 28, 5780      Modi'in (home of the Maccabees)