Thursday, April 2, 2020

"Upon your walls, O Yerushalayim..."

The prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah) tells us: "Upon your walls O Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) I have set (placed) watchmen, who will never be silent by day or by night" (62:6) I have met wonderful people (not Jewish, BTW) from all over the world who have dedicated their lives to actually BEING those 'watchmen' - standing up for Israel in every way that they can.  They actually walk the walls of the Old City proclaiming the right of the Children of Israel TO Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel.  It makes sense, right?  After all, aren't these the walls of Ancient Jerusalem, aren't they?  Uhhh...well, no, actually they're not...

   I hope that last sentence didn't make you fall over, did it?  :-) I have guided many people in Jerusalem on their very first visit who have teared up when seeing these walls...One women actually began weeping uncontrollably.  In between sobs, she was saying, "King David, King Solomon..." she was overcome with emotion standing where they did, at the entrance to their Ancient Jerusalem. Except of course - that those walls weren't built by them and that wasn't even the Yerushalyim of THEIR era. 

 These pictures (19th Century) are of Sha'ar Shechem - as it's known in Hebrew, the 'Shechem Gate.  In English, it is commonly referred to as the Damascus Gate.
       These walls were indeed built by a ruler - but it was Suleiman the Magnificent who was ruling who ordered them built.  Suleiman was one of the rulers during the period of the Ottoman Turkish occupation of the Land of Israel.  The Ottoman period lasted for 400 years, from 1517-1917. 

      Suleiman had the walls of what today is the 'Old City' built between 1537-1542.  So, the walls are indeed old - since they have been there for almost 500 years.  Old, but not ancient...

      The walls have only had slight changes to them - most noticeably at Sha'ar Yaffo - Jaffa Gate.  That entrance to the Old City is the one that most people visiting Jerusalem will enter. 

    So, where were the walls of ANCIENT Jerusalem?  Can we see them today?  Make sure to check out my next blog, which will be sent out before Pesah (Passover) and I will tell you where they are and maybe even show you a picture or two.   :-) 

    Regards from Modi'in - home of the Maccabees,


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